Sunday, 28 June 2009

Business Copywriter - Write it down!

Write it down!

As well as spending our days writing about the delights of the aerospace sector, corporate law or enticing graduates to sign their lives away, some of us at Wordsworks Towers like to pen a bit of fiction too.The problem is, ideas come at you at all times of the day and night. Often you get the most fantastic ideas when you are in the most random places. Great ideas, even, that are then lost in to the oblivion that is your mind.

The other night, I had a fantastic dream and woke up reeling from it. It was so fantastic I knew it might lead to some impressive story writing project yet to be defined. Alas,I didn’t write it down and now it’s gone! Never to return again.

What I learnt from this maddening experience is that you really should write your ideas down. Creative or not it really is no matter. Your brain only has so much temporary information it can store at any one time and given that working life can be hectic there’s absolutely no chance of us remembering everything we want to.

So in the name of great ideas that are wasted on brains that act like a sieve, buy yourself a notebook or get using your notes on your mobile and make sure that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, that if a good idea for a story, feature or news item brightens up your imagination you have no excuse for letting it slip away.

Archived in the category: Word of the month

Posted by: Gareth Chadwick on Saturday, June 6, 2009 - 0 Comments

How about this:

Humdudgeon - An imaginary illness

The urban dictionary actually gives a few definitions.

1) A person down on his/her luck

2) A grumpy simpleton

3) Someone who sits in the corner of parties angrily eyeing guests, or pervertedly leering at the young female guests

4) Someone who sits in the corner at a party POKING other guests as they walk by…usually with a drink in their hands.

‘Oh my goodness, what a humdudgeon you’ve met there.’

‘That hundudgeon really rubs me up the wrong way.’

Archived in the category: General musings, Write words

Posted by: Gareth Chadwick on Sunday, June 21, 2009 - 0 Comments

Monday, 1 June 2009

Copy Writing Agency - The Meaning of Deipnosophist

Words Works - The Meaning of Deipnosophist

How about this:

Deipnosophist (dee-ip-noso-fist) - one who excels at conversations at the dinner table.

Two things that we all love: eating and talking. What could be better?

This comes from two Greek words: deipnon, the chief meal or dinner, and sophistes a clever or wise man. It does in fact originate from a 15-volume work entitled Deipnosophistai, written by the Greek Athenaeus after AD 228, about a group of learned men talking about food at a banquet. But we all knew that didn’t we?

Nowadays it’s probably best used to refer to the more trivial idea of pleasant chit-chat to pass the time while having tea.

“Oh Charles, you simply must come for dinner with my Uncle Fritz. He is an amazing deipnosophist.”

Archived in the category: General musings, Word of the month, Write words
Posted by: Gareth Chadwick on Friday, May 15, 2009

copywriting agency, words, deipnosophist, the meaning of deipnosophist, greek words